News & Press Releases

Re: Skelton Kiwifruit Marketing Licenses

I am writing to introduce Sino-NZ Innovation Limited the new owners (effective from 01/01/2018) of the Plant Variety Rights previously held by Don Skelton and Kiwifruit NZ Ltd.

Don has asked me to wish you all well in the future and advise that he has agreed to an ongoing consultancy agreement with the new owners. Like Don we are greatly taken with the new generation varieties.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank PIPZ for their efforts over the last few years in promoting the PVR’s. It is our intention to review the Head License arrangement with all interested parties.

In the meantime please be assured that all rights as a licensee are not affected by a change in ownership -  as all the agreements state:

“In the event that the Head License between the Owner and PIPZ is terminated, this

agreement will be deemed to be automatically assigned to the Owner.”

I will be advising you in the next few days regarding arrangements for the payment of royalties incurred after 1 january 2018 and welcome any questions that you might have - all parties have expressed their desire to work together to ensure a smooth transition.

Yours faithfully

Sino-NZ Innovation Limited

Allan Rutledge


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