About Kiwifruit

About Kiwifruit

Although there are approximately 50 types of kiwi fruit, the commercially-viable varieties are typically categorized as green and gold. . 

Most varieties are approximately 3 inches long and weigh about four ounces. The soft flesh is almost creamy in consistency, and has a uniquely invigorating taste reminiscent of strawberries, melons, bananas and honey. 

Ounce-for-ounce, Kiwifruit is packed with more vitamin C than oranges, and the bright gold & green colors with tiny black seeds adds a dramatic tropical flair to any fruit salad. 

California kiwifruit is available November through May, while the New Zealand crop hits the market June through October making fresh kiwis available year round.

Commercial kiwifruit varieties

Many commercial varieties are the work of New Zealand's preeminent fruit breeder Don Skelton, who has developed 40% of all Kiwifruit Plant Variety Rights (PVRs) worldwide. Don's varieties are popularly known by their prestigious brand names, such as KiwiKiss, First Gold, and Enza gold.

Don's work has produced varieties which benefit kiwifruit growers worldwide in many ways-

  • Sweeter, softer varieties including a broad range of golden kiwi
  • Earlier or later maturity, to allow growers first-to-market or late-market access
  • Less susceptible to mechanical damage
  • Varieties which show more resistance to common blights
  • Seedless and seeded varieties

Today SNZI's kiwifruit varieties are grown on six continents, in 10 countries.

Our kiwifruit varieties undergo extensive trial tests. We maintain trial sites in Europe, Africa, Middle East, North and South America, and Australia.

What's different between Gold and Green kiwifruit?

The two most popular varieties of kiwifruit are Actinidia Deliciosa (green kiwifruit) and Actinidia Chinensis (gold kiwifruit).

Aside from the flesh color, golden kiwi are softer, sweeter, less hairy, and are known to fetch better prices than their green counterparts, such as the popular Hayward variety.

Nutritional Profile of Kiwifruit

Kiwifruit is highly regarded for its exceptional nutrient content. Certain phytonutrients in kiwifruit assist in boosting energy, fightinging off disease, and lowering both blood pressure and cholesterol. It's tasty, low in calories and is an excellent source of antioxidants. 

The nutrition benefits of kiwifruit include:

  • Vitamin C: Just one serving of kiwifruit has nearly 2 1/2 times the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, which boost immunity and reduces the effects of stress. Vitamin C is also thought to combat the effects of aging.
  • Zero fat: Kiwifruit is fat-free.
  • Fiber: One kiwifruit contains more fiber than a 1/2 bowl of bran cereal. Dietary fiber is an essential compoenent in maintaining heart health, regular digestion and cholesterol.
  • Potassium: One serving of kiwifruit has more potassium than a banana.
  • Antioxidants: Kiwifruit is high in antioxidants content, which reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke.
  • Low GI: Kiwifruit has a glycemic index (GI) of 52, which makes it safe for diabetics.
  • Magnesium: Each kiwifruit contains 15 mg of magnesium, known to boost energy level, nervous & muscular system function.
  • Lutein: Lutein is a kiwifruit phytochemical which assists in preventing ocular damage, including age-related blindness.
  • Folate: Known to be helpful during pregnancy to protect both the mother and baby, folate also protects against certain types of birth defects. Kiwifruit contains 10% of the recommended daily intake of folate.
  • Zinc: Zinc helps produce testosterone, especially important for men. Zink also helps give you healthier skin, hair, teeth and nails.
  • Vitamin E: Boosts immunity and reduces cholesterol, .Typical sources of Vitamin E are high-fat, which makes Kiwifruit very unique source of this powerful antioxidant.